Tuesday, 2025 March 4

China’s elderly are becoming smartphone gurus

China’s mobile ubiquity has profoundly changed the everyday life of its people in many ways. The internet is full of tales about how its citizens are spoiled by modern technologies, starting with the convenience of mobile payments that have replaced cash and wallets, as well as fingerprint smart locks that do away with keys.

But some might miss the tangibility of a banknote or a chain of keys. Especially the elderly living in the Middle Kingdom who are caught in a situation where the country is rapidly heading toward a tech- and mobile-enabled future that may leave them behind.

However, some, if not all, are trying to adapt.

While some are struggling with smartphone basics, many others have grown accustomed to life with their devices. With increased economic involvement from aging citizens, businesses may even look toward the silver generation in search of profits.

Check out the video above to learn how a fast-moving country is turning its senior citizens into smartphone gurus.

To learn even more about China’s silver generation, check out our companion article:

Chinese tech firms look to senior “digital refugees” for new growth in a rapidly aging nation

“In a makeshift classroom with a red banner reading “University for Seniors” hanging from the ceiling, Ban Ruping tapped on her iPhone and carefully followed the teacher’s instructions. “Now, choose the express service and put Tiananmen in the destination slot,” a woman’s soft voice filled the classroom. “But don’t press the ‘request a ride’ button yet,” the teacher added. The class was learning how to use Didi, China’s most popular ride-hailing app…”


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