Monday, 2025 February 24

[Tuning In] King Leung about ‘humanizing’ fintech in Hong Kong

As Head of Fintech at InvestHK, the department of the Hong Kong SAR Government responsible for attracting Foreign Direct Investment, King’s mission is to foster a more vibrant fintech ecosystem in Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area (GBA) where King has the privilege to work closely with major fintech stakeholders worldwide – leading financial services institutions, fintech companies, accelerators, innovation labs, investors, regulators, universities, etc.  In another complementary role, King also serves as Visiting Lecturer in Fintech at Institute for China Business (中国商学院) of The University of Hong Kong in China in which King has extraordinary exposure to Mainland China fintech and financial services executives.

This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity. 

KrASIA (Kr): You’ve gone through roles of being a government leader, entrepreneur, angel investor, lecturer and now head of FinTech at InvestHK. Which is your favourite hat to wear?

King Leung (KL): This question is really prompting some self-reflection! Honestly, I feel that my current role at InvestHK suits me the best and it is my favourite.

Putting things into context, working for the government obviously provided me a platform to contribute and impact to our economy and society on a much larger scale. This period of my life has been very gratifying.

And I would not discount my prior experiences – being an entrepreneur allowed me to understand the funding and business needs of startup founders, my management consulting career offered invaluable exposure to large corporates, and teaching experience in Mainland China gave me the chance to exchange ideas between East and West with working professionals. !

But now as Head of FinTech at InvestHK, I can finally see things come full circle. I am able to relate to the needs of those that I’m helping, apply knowledge from my past experiences and tap on the support network that I’ve built. So I couldn’t have found a better role.

To continue reading, click here to hop onto Oasis, by KrASIA. 


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