Monday, 2025 February 24

Daily Digest | Only 445,000 fans

Hi. It’s Brady here to round out the week for you.

When I think of cops, I do not think of men chasing down a creator who places her content on OnlyFans. But in Thailand, that’s precisely what happened, and it has generated more interest from the public than you might expect.

The case concerns a creator called Kainaoa and her partner, both of whom were arrested on the grounds that they were producing and distributing pornographic content online. While Thailand does have pornography laws, the definition of “obscenity” is, well, undefined.

Plus, police may also charge Kainaoa by invoking Thailand’s Computer Crime Act, which Human Rights Watch says “gives overly broad powers to . . . enforce surveillance and censorship.”

It isn’t clear why Kainaoa was singled out. Her detention isn’t a simple matter of a young woman trying to make a living (through subscription fees) using the tools that are available to her. It also links up with outmoded legislation and limits on personal expression. By the time Stephanie’s article about this was posted, there were more than 445,000 tweets containing Kainaoa’s screen name as a hashtag.

It looks like a lot of people in Thailand do care about what happens to Kainaoa. Her fate may carry consequences for other content creators too.

Daily Roundup


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