Saturday, 2025 March 15

Daily Digest | Bad weather

Hello. Brady here.

It seems like not a week goes by without us hearing about severe weather engulfing populated lands with flame or flood. Shanxi Province in north China is underwater after torrential downpours. Official stats say 1.75 million people have been affected by the deluge, including 120,000 people who had to evacuate their homes.

Mengyuan wrote about tech companies’ responses. Aside from a collective RMB 350 million (USD 54.2 million) donation for relief efforts, crowdsourced information shared through cloud-based documents is directing people to shelters and connecting those in need with rescue teams. This is the norm now. We’ve seen similar actions in previous disasters.

Climate crises are here to stay, and may even intensify in the years to come. Khamila previously looked at the way researchers are harnessing tech platforms to gather data and generate insights that, hopefully, will mitigate devastation in the future.

Over in India, Moulishree examined the redirection of venture capital toward innovators who are developing solutions to combat climate change and lower carbon emissions.

There is little doubt that developing nations will be hit the hardest when climate disasters occur. These places happen to be where leapfrogging takes place and technological innovation integrates with people’s lives at a rapid pace. It’s no wonder that climate tech is being researched and developed in all corners of the world. The question is: will these solutions be developed quickly enough?

Daily Roundup


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